Cogent Legal works with attorneys to create e-briefs, which are electronic versions of briefs that combine and hyperlink all relevant case materials. Often made as a PDF and distributed on a disc or emailed, e-briefs allow the reader to easily check for themselves all cases, documents and evidence related to the brief.
Click here to download a sample e-brief PDF. (Must download and view with Adobe Reader for hyperlinks to work.)
Cogent Legal specializes in e-briefs for the iPad, which seamlessly allow attorneys to create and show interactive, demonstrative-embedded briefs that also are convenient to share with others, such as opposing counsel and mediators. E-briefs for the iPad have several advantages over PDF e-briefs, including better integration and display of videos or animations.
Medical issues are best explained graphically, and being able to incorporate 3D models of the body sections involved into the e-brief can greatly help understanding of the issues.
Download a sample Medical iPad interactive e-brief here.
Download a sample Personal Injury iPad e-brief here.
Download an Interactive iPad Patent Litgation e-brief here.
Note: to download the iPad e-briefs, you must do so through your iPad and have iBooks installed. Download times vary by connection and size of the e-brief.